cross.cross.square (croix.croix.carre)

stuff, stuff and stuff

Monday, October 31, 2005

New Crytek engine it

New Crytek engine
Envoyé à l'origine par Youpinadi
An impressive video, showing the capabilities of DirectX 10 and of the new Crytek engine. The former one was used in FarCry, a game which set new standards in terms of graphism and physics. A good glimpse of what what's coming soon on our PCs.
Une video impressionnante, montrant les possibiltés de DirectX 10 couplé au nouveau Crytek Engine. L'ancien moteur était utilisé dan FarCry, un jeu qui mettait la barre un cran au dessus de ses concurrents tant au niveau des graphismes que du moteur physique. Un bon aperçu de ce qui va atterrir sous peu sur nos PCs

Due to the increasing popularity of my blog in France (more than 2 readers today), I'm gonna post in french also from now on.
Bon ben voila, je poste aussi en français maintenant, en espérant atteindre le cap fatidique des 10 visites par mois :)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Dancing Yoda it

Originally uploaded by Youpinadi

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The million dollar Firefox page it

Check a post i've made on and give me your feedback.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Flock preview it

I was waiting for a long time to test Flock. Behind this name hides a Firefox fork, web 2.0 oriented (by this I mean social web, rss and all that stuff).
I received an email this morning to tell me to try it, so I did. Here is a preview of the main features that comes with Flock. Keep in mind that's it's an early version (flock developer preview 0.5 pre).

The favourite manager :

The favorites were something I was waiting in Firefox. Sure there are already some extensions available, but the embed functionnality is great. The interface is easy to use, actually easier than, it's clearer and responses better. You can do stuff like dragging a link to a tag and it adds the tag immediatly to it; great for organising and cleaning up.

The feed agregator :

Promising but disappointing, i tried to aggregate a few feeds, but didn't succeed. Anyway, it's still a feature i'm waiting for, and it's good to see they're working on it.

The blogbar :

This bar gives you an overview of your blog and allows you to edit your posts. The look and feel is nice and the setup pretty easy (just give the adress of your blog and you'll be prompted the login and password). You can drag stuff on the "drag stuff to blog it!" place. Unfortunately, you can not drag images. When you edit a post, or use the drag thingee, the post editor opens.

The post editor :

The post editor is cool too, thus missing and important feature : image upload. I understand it can be hard to do, but they should find a way, because it's very annoying not to have it. Apart from that, the interface is great, it's better than the blogger one for managing your post layout (i.e moving images).

Thibaud's portfolio it

A nice and original portfolio.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pixar short films it

For the Pixar's fans, a collection of their short films.

Monday, October 10, 2005

I/O Brush it

I/O Brush is a new drawing tool to explore colors, textures, and movements found in everyday materials by "picking up" and drawing with them. I/O Brush looks like a regular physical paintbrush but has a small video camera with lights and touch sensors embedded inside. Outside of the drawing canvas, the brush can pick up color, texture, and movement of a brushed surface. On the canvas, artists can draw with the special "ink" they just picked up from their immediate environment.
Infos and video on the website.

[via kopikol]